George H Northrup's Poetry
Poem of the Month
written by George H Northrup

Crowns of long leaf pines
titter uneasily in dawn’s billowing breath.
Anoles scramble up the screen
covering the lanai.  Anhingas—
or maybe cormorants—perch by the lagoon,
shrewdly distant from a young alligator
sunning himself.  The tide is out,
exposing treacherous pluff mud
along the tabby sea wall.

Each unique home is nestled carefully
among loblollies and cabbage palms,
semi-occupied by wealthy refugees
escaping Northern winters.
The Property Owners’ Association
prescribes the exact shades of paint
to be applied, even to mailboxes.
Other species may wear
whatever hides or feathers they prefer,
but humans shall not dress
in blue jeans at the Country Club.
For angels of this paradise,
the main activities are dog walking,
bicycle riding, aerobics, golf,
and the consumption of spirits.

You Might Fall In,
a poetry chapbook by Dr Northrup, published by Local Gems
Press, 2014

Rhina P. Espaillat writes:  “What a delightful invitation to the
natural world George Northrup extends in this collection! Yes,
I did ‘fall in,’ and gladly.  The diction of these poems is as
exhilarating as their range: witty, lyrical without sentimentality,
fresh without excess, they celebrate the world and its
recurrent cycles and remind us to take heart, because there
is always an ‘Encore,’ a new landscape to fall into.”
In the News

Wave into Wave, Light into Light:
Poems and Places,  
Order here  or at Amazon  Order
here, 2019
Pushcart Prize nomination,
November 2013 Click here
Poem in the Times, September 23,
2013 Click here
Poem in the Times, December 10,
2012. Click here
Poem in the Times, August 6,
2012.  Click here
Poem in the Times, December 12,
2011.  Click here
Poem in the Times, May 16, 2011.  
Click here

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I will be tweeting short poems (such as
haiku) and original epigrams

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